Angel Therapy
Allow Angelic energy to heal you.
The angels are God’s messengers. While there are millions of angels, there are a few special angels called Archangels. Archangels are like managers who manage the angels. Each archangel has a specific attribute and specialty that they help with. At SoulWaters I channel the energy of these various 9th dimensional angelic beings by connecting to the concerned archangel based on the issue that needs to be resolved. These angels are full of love and are eager to help us in whatever way we need them to. It is a very enriching and blissful experience to connect with these benevolent beings and to hear their loving guidance. You can miraculously transform your life by following through on the guidance you receive from them.
Angel therapy, although widely applicable, helps more specifically for health-related issues such as aches and pains, ailments, de-addictions, etc.
(Note: I am not a medical doctor & the services I offer are by no means a substitute for medical advice and prescriptions. However, these services can be availed of to complement your medical treatments.)