Sword of Michael
Welcome dear heart,
I am so glad to see that you have finally chosen to free yourself of that which no longer serves you.
Please click below and allow me to sever your cords to all the things, people, situations, relationships, substances and habits that you have chosen to walk away from.
Should you need help with anything, do not forget to call upon me. I will be with you in an instant.
Heaven is so proud of you for making choices that align with your highest good.
Love Always,
Archangel Michael.
Let Archangel Michael help you cut your cords to everything that doesn’t serve you anymore. Just type in that which you want to walk away from, could be an addiction, job, relationship, habit, behavior, it could be anything; and then just click on “Cut My Cords”. Know that your cords will be cut to that which you have released.
Mind you, once your cords are cut, it is advisable to refrain from indulging again in that which your cords have been cut to. Sometimes the body may not like you going back on your word. So respect your decision and cut your cords only if you are very sure that you want to eliminate that particular thing from your life.