Seek Guidance from the Masters & Divine Deities..

I also receive divine guidance from various beings and channel those messages. I usually connect to Lord Shiva, Lord Krishna, Jesus, Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael. However, I have also connected with Lord Ganesh, Goddess Durga, Goddess Laxmi, Archangel Metatron, Archangel Orion & a few others who did not disclose their identity. Sometimes, besides the masters and archangels, spirit guides of individual beings may also come forth with messages for them. Spirit Guides are generally ancestors of the concerned individual. However, depending on a person’s life purpose, they could have other deceased beings as their spirit guides as well. Spirit Guides are benevolent beings who have chosen to be a teacher or guide to us to help us learn the life lessons we have chosen.
All divine beings are mainly concerned with our spiritual growth and want to support our life’s purpose. They are ever willing to help and wait for us to ask them for guidance.
Guidance from the masters and guides can really be a way shower and can help you find your path. If you feel you are at cross roads in life or need to make some life changing decisions but are unsure and are getting the jitters, a conversation with the divine could greatly help!